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classes « Expect the Exceptional

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Reflections and Adventures

Here is another post that focuses more on my reflections after the Balaton trip:


In addition, if you are interested in reading more about McDaniel students’ adventures in Balaton and other study tours, here is a link to the other blog: https://studytoursmcdaniel.wordpress.com/

While I was studying abroad in France, one of my friends from […]

My Two-Day School Week

What an unusual first week of classes! Classes officially started on Tuesday due to Labor Day, and I must admit that I felt some apprehension the night before class. I was not only nervous for the new classes, but also for completely new professors, a new campus, new students, and a new atmosphere.

I am […]

Fall Semester, Sophomore Year

A handful of my textbooks for the semester.

Hi there!

Teachers really can make or break classes, I have remembered in these first two weeks of classes. I’m an English/Political Science double major, but this year I’m going to take a lot of English classes and very few PoliSci classes–next year, I’m going […]

My Summer Study Abroad Classes

I’ve recently received the official paperwork for my study abroad this summer at the University of Stirling, and I got all the classes I wanted! That means I’ll be taking three classes that count for a major/minor, and one history course just for the fun of it. Here they are and why I’m excited for […]

What’s an FYS and an SIS?

FYS and SIS are two of the most common acronyms you can expect to encounter on the Hill. For McDaniel students, these three-letter terms roll right off the tongue, but for people who aren’t yet a part of the McDaniel community, these terms are probably unfamiliar, at least in the contexts in which McDaniel students […]