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clubs « Expect the Exceptional

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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

Dance Company Annual Showcase

One of my favorite things to attend every year is the Dance Company’s Annual Showcase. The Dance Company is a campus club that invites anyone with any level of dance experience to come, learn to dance, and participate in the showcase. As someone that finds watching and learning dances relaxing, challenging, and wonderful, the […]

Dancing the Night Away

On Tuesday, I went to my first ballroom dancing club meeting. I am in the beginner class along with a few of my residents, and we learned the first couple of steps for swing dancing. I went without a partner because she had a conflict this week, but it was still super fun!

A Hafla for Everyone

One thing I always enjoy doing on the Hill is attending belly dance performances. McDaniel has had a belly dance club since before I came to campus, and over the past few years, they’ve held “haflas” — or “get-togethers” — once a semester so the McDaniel community can watch them perform. This past weekend, I […]

Extracurriculars: How to Fill Your Free Time

There are hundreds of extracurriculars to get involved in on campus, from intramural sports to sports teams and clubs to campus events. It’s a great way to meet people, share ideas, learn, and spend some free time doing something other than watching Netflix.

I’m involved in plenty of things outside of my classes that I […]

Oktoberfest Volunteering

Today, I went to the Westminster Oktoberfest to volunteer with the Roteract Club. I volunteered last year as well, so I already knew I was going to have tons of fun. Oktoberfest is a German celebratory festival. The one we have here involves vendors, food, and live music.

Live music!

As a volunteer, […]