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culture « Expect the Exceptional

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An Evening of Culture

Friday was such a busy day because so many awesome cultural things were going on! I went to United, which was a show put on by all of the cultural groups on campus. There were performances, food, games, etc. It was such a blast to see all of my friends on stage. McDaniel has so […]

Spring Rolls and Jump Rope

Last night, I went to Vietnamese Night for the Asian Community Coalition (ACC). It was amazing as usual. The ACC has put on some pretty awesome Asian culture nights, but this one by far has been my favorite. We had noodles and fried banana; however, the best part was the spring rolls.

Okay so you […]

Dinner and a Movie

Friday nights are the best! After the last class of the day, you don’t have to worry about what is going to happen tomorrow. No thoughts of homework or meetings, nothing but complete freedom for one whole night. Friday nights are beautiful gifts that have to be spent wisely. Thus, last Friday, I decided on […]

Jazz Night!

It is with some relief that I find my to-do list getting smaller. Two presentations and a paper are done and finished! Unfortunately though, I haven’t gotten any less busy than before since I now have to do all the things that I didn’t do before because I was doing other things. (Did you follow […]

An Intercultural Guest Speaker

I am taking a Communication course this semester called Intercultural Communication. In this class, we have discussed everything from worldviews, paradigms, and identity, to culture shock and third cultures. To supplement our readings and class discussions we also have film viewings on different documentaries or movies that show culture consciousness (My Big Fat Greek wedding […]