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dining « Expect the Exceptional

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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

Glarnovations: In which my lunch was delicious

This past week Glar, our dinning hall, has been up to things… New things- Good things! While my recent favorite options have been Mrs. Bobby’s mixed-berry salad, the make-your own pasta station on Wednesdays and the Mongolian Grill on Thursdays, this week has been full of some pleasant surprises.

Monday’s lunch was one of Mrs. […]

The Perks of the Meal Plan

Even though I was on campus during this past Jan term, I opted out of a meal plan in order to save some money. Though I love cooking and experimenting with new recipes, I did find that I missed going to our cafeteria, Glar, or grabbing some food at the pub. Now that the semester […]

My Favorite Meals Around Campus

While nothing will ever be better than homecooking, here are some of my favorite meals around campus.

1. Miss Bobby’s Buffalo Chicken salad

We have a station in Glar where Miss Bobby makes customized hand-tossed salads. Students can either chose from one of her specialties or create their own concoction. I love choosing her famous […]

Local dining

Eating with friends is one of my favorite things. Whether in our dining hall or a nearby restaurant, a meal always just tastes better when I’m around my favorite people. Luckily, Westminster has a ton of family-owned dining options that are great for the college budget. Here are some of my favorites:

CUP Tea Bar […]

Vegetarianism in the Dining Hall

Students anticipate the first year that they have an apartment rather than a dorm room partially because of the freedom of being able to cook. I will admit that it’s great to be able to make a quesadilla or a salad in my kitchen whenever I want, but sometimes it is even nicer to eat […]