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family « Expect the Exceptional

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Packages and Dads

One of the best parts about being an out of state student is getting packages. Sometimes they are from myself and other times they are from friends or family. For Valentine’s Day last year, my parents sent me those candy hearts that everyone loves, but mine were in Spanish so I got to share them […]

Gift Giving for (Poor) College Students

While giving gifts is one of my favorite things to do on Christmas, it is a little tough to do when you are a college student with little money. Luckily for me, this Christmas both my friends and family were on board with spending less money. My roommates and I decided to do a Secret […]

Goodwill and Westminster Fun

In honor of my birthday, my sister came up (from D.C.) to spend the weekend with me. We kept the Friday night calm, going to the campus showing of Sky Fall. James Bond will always have a special place in my heart, especially those played by Sean Connery. I grew up on these movies (along […]

Staying Connected With Home

Rhode Island and my home don’t seem that far from Maryland and McDaniel, but 7 and a half hours driving or an hour flight are difficult to justify for just a short weekend.

For this reason, I usually don’t go home at all during the semester. For shorter breaks, I will go home with one […]

Thanksgiving Break

I hope every had a great Thanksgiving yesterday!

I’ve only ever traveled home once in these past four years for Thanksgiving, and after the expensive flights and too short trip, I realized it wasn’t really worth it when the semester ends just two weeks after break. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely miss my family […]