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food « Expect the Exceptional

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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

Real Food Challenge at McDaniel

Hi guys,

Last Wednesday, McDaniel took a huge step forward when Dr. Casey and Dean Gerl signed the Real Food Challenge agreement. The school is agreeing to ensure that by the year 2020, 20% of the food McDaniel serves in Glar will be ‘real,’ which means local or community/based, organic/ecologically-sound, humane, or fair trade. This […]

What’s for Dinner? Dining at McDaniel College

We have five options on campus for eating. Our main place for eating is Englar dining hall which the students typically refer to as Glar. This is one of the two places where your meal plan can be used. Glar typically has theme nights such as German night for German American day, themed for when […]

Late Night Pancake Breakfast

Hi there!

One of the many fabulous things about Residence Life at McDaniel is the events they throw, in particular the late night events usually held on Thursday or Friday nights. This past Friday saw Late Night Breakfast and Bingo.

We set up a griddle and were flipping pancakes all evening, and we also had […]

Chimney Cakes in Budapest!

I am convinced that Europe is composed of bread. I am not complaining–just an observation! To celebrate this wonderful food group, on Friday, I went with my roommate to the 2nd Sekler Cake Festival. The festival celebrated the famous Hungarian chimney cakes, or kurtoskalacs.

At the festival, there were at least ten different chimney cake […]

Food on the Hill

Asian Night

I think that something that is important in a college search is the food quality, so I wanted to offer my opinion on our food options. Englar Dining Hall, Glar for short, has a lot of cool options. Honestly, it never ceases to surprise me.

This year they have already had […]