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food « Expect the Exceptional

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Birthday’s on the Hill

Celebrating birthday’s at McDaniel are always some of the most memorable nights on campus! For example, last night was my boyfriend’s birthday and I decided to decorate his room! I bought a big poster and hung it outside his door and had all his friends write a little message to him! It’s nice because he […]


Alright, I’m sure many of you have already read posts about our cafeteria or Glar.

Glar is a typical college cafeteria, it has a deli, a salad line, a hot food line, some type of ‘special’ hot line, a gluten free line, and pizza. During the week, Chicken Tender Thursday is by far the busiest […]

SAAC and DIII Week

I am a member of SAAC, which is the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee. A couple representatives from each sports team at McDaniel meet about once a month to discuss service events, sporting games, and other campus activities. An important event that SAAC is in charge of is called DIII week. It is a week in April […]

New Westminster Favorite: Sweet Frog

My friends and I have a new favorite place here in Westminster. It is Sweet Frog! For those of you who are not familiar with Sweet Frogs, they are frozen yogurt places…the type with all of the yummy toppings! They opened up a Sweet Frog here in town a couple months ago and we LOVE […]

Spring Rolls and Jump Rope

Last night, I went to Vietnamese Night for the Asian Community Coalition (ACC). It was amazing as usual. The ACC has put on some pretty awesome Asian culture nights, but this one by far has been my favorite. We had noodles and fried banana; however, the best part was the spring rolls.

Okay so you […]