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football « Expect the Exceptional

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Intramural Sports

Intramural sports at McDaniel are a great way to have fun with friends while feeding a little bit of your competitive side. Literally anyone at McDaniel can enjoy intramural sports – even those who think they are not athletic! I have had several people who had never played a sport before participate on my flag […]

Still Having Fun on the Hill

Back on the hill, and it feels so good. A month away from anything can really bring you to miss it. I decided I would use this blog to list everything that’s new in our little community. To begin with, it is FREEZING! Though it very well might have been this cold last Winter, it […]

Super Bowl bound!

After a well-played game against the New England Patriots, the Baltimore Ravens are going to the Super Bowl!

While the Ravens aren’t my favorite football team (that distinction goes to the Packers), I’m excited because life on campus (once the semester starts back up) is going to be a lot more exciting!

McDaniel College and […]

A Trip to see the Eagles play the Redskins

One of the great things about McDaniel is that there are so many fantastic places to go, without having to go far. McDaniel is very close to places like Baltimore, Towson, and Gettysburg, but last weekend, I took advantage of the fact that McDaniel is so close to Washington DC. My friend invited me to […]


This was surprisingly my first year attending homecoming, even though I am a senior. I think I skipped it mostly because I thought of it as something for people who already graduated. While this is true, I had a great time this year, and was able to see a lot of my friends who recently […]