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football « Expect the Exceptional

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So, today was the homecoming football game and while it was certainly rather chilly I had a lot of fun there with Phil and Lisa. We ran into a bunch of our friends and got to say hello as they went about their days. There were also tents and cars all over and the […]

Why I am ridiculously excited for tomorrow.

While I would love to write about how great having two days off of school was (and trust me, it was glorious to be able to get sleep, eat, do my work and actually get to go to the gym for once. Glorious), it seems like nearly everyone else has already broadcasted that to the […]

Tailgating: McDaniel Style

I woke up on Saturday and was very excited because I knew exactly what the day entailed: food, friends, family, and football. My parents decided that since I am a senior, they should take advantage of tailgating at McDaniel before I graduate. They have been here once before, but since it was over a break, […]

Home football game

I’m not always able to watch our home football games because of cross country meets, but we had this weekend off from running! While the weather was awesome and would have been great for a run, I instead was able to tailgate with my friends for the entire game.

Here at McDaniel we’ve been recognized […]

Midterms and All that Jazz

Hello again! This weekend I went home, but I would have preferred to stay on campus just because of the amount of homework I have to get done on Sunday. On Friday, I went to visit family in Philadelphia and on Saturday, all day, I went to a Maryland (College Park) football game. Now, don’t […]