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Free Press « Expect the Exceptional

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I don’t remember the last time I was this busy…

This is been one of the busiest weeks of my life in recent memory. (I know I’ve had weeks just as busy if not more so, but I try to suppress those details!)

I’ve spent the past week laying out a 12-page print issue of the McDaniel Free Press to commemorate the graduating class of […]

McDaniel’s Choice

The Free Press embarked on a new endeavor this spring.

The editors came up with the idea to have a survey for students to fill out that would compile a list of favorite places on campus and in town.

It features questions from favorite pub meal, to most college friendly grocery store, to best Greek […]

Free Press archives online

For my job at the Writing Center I am putting together a presentation about our student newspaper, The Free Press, as a promotional tool to recruit new staff members. My boss made the suggestion that part of this presentation should be a section highlighting past staff members who have gone on to have prominent careers […]

The Plague

You probably read enough about it on everyone else’s blogs… but it was a pretty important happening on campus last week so here we go – THE MCVIRUS 2013.

A term that was coined by students and the McDaniel Free Press, it is actually a slight misnomer because we are not the only people to […]

I’ve been busy!

It was a busy week for me here on the Hill!

In addition to attending my three Monday-Wednesday-Friday classes, I devoted much of my Monday to helping out the Honors Program by eating at the luncheon for prospective Honors students and spending time in the Honors study lounge, the Room of Requirement. I had a […]