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friends « Expect the Exceptional

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Traveling the East Coast

I’ve been looking forward to this spring break since last August, when I left my summer job in Yellowstone. Then, three of my friends and I made vague plans to go to my friend’s grandparents’ beach house in North Carolina in the spring. I was determined to make it happen, and so it did. Additionally, […]

Qdoba: Most Delicious Food in Carroll County

Since we have been on Spring Break this week, I have had more time to hang out with my friends who graduated last year. On Wednesday, we all got together to eat at Qdoba. I had never heard about it before they introduced it to me. It’s basically like Chipotle, but they have something […]

The Right Way to Start Spring Break

Spring break is finally here, and I could not be more thrilled! I made it through essays and tests, and now I see the light at the end of the tunnel; it is beautiful! Last night, two of my friends came over. We ordered Chinese and played games. We broke out Candyland and had […]

Snow, snow, and more snow!

The golf course and our sledding routes.

The pattern I made being a snow-caterpillar.

We had three snow days last week, which in a way were also mental health days that everyone seemed to really need. I only really missed one day of classes as I only have one class on […]

A Denny’s Birthday Celebration (2012 Again)

My friends decorated PSY in honor of my 20th birthday two years ago. I wouldn’t have thought we’d listen to “Gangnam Style” again two years later when I turned 22. Time flies!

I turned 22 on Wednesday, and to celebrate, six of my seven female suite mates from my sophomore year took me […]