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fun « Expect the Exceptional

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Dancing the Night Away

On Tuesday, I went to my first ballroom dancing club meeting. I am in the beginner class along with a few of my residents, and we learned the first couple of steps for swing dancing. I went without a partner because she had a conflict this week, but it was still super fun!

Self-Discovery through Literature

The novel we are currently reading in African-American Literature II

This semester I am taking African-American Literature with Dr. Mary. I was very worried about it because I am very sensitive to race issues, and I thought that maybe this course might be emotionally taxing. I was also worried about being the only […]

New Furniture!

Since being back at McDaniel, I have noticed the school has been improving in many ways. Over Jan Term, we got new furniture turning Ensor Lounge into a cool study space. The furniture is vibrant and comfy. It gives you a variety of options for studying that range from relaxing reading chairs to high chairs […]

An Addams Family Weekend

One of the nice things about being on campus for Jan Term is that even with things to do, there’s a lot of free time. I’m not taking a class, but I do have track practice every day and some projects to be working on that take up my time. Those projects include preparing for […]

A New Favorite Café? — J Café in Westminster

Normally, on Sundays, my friend and I go to The Cup, but today we decided to mix it up. There is another café farther up the street called J Café. It was awesome! I am so glad we went!

On the outside, it looks more like a house or a bed and breakfast. We went […]