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Gamma Sigma Sigma « Expect the Exceptional

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Talent Show

Tonight (on a date) I went to the service sorority Gamma Sigma Sigma’s Talent Show. My friends came over and helped me get all dressed up. The talent show was super fun!

We have so many talented people at this college. I saw unique dancers, beautiful singers, and a guy played the Native American flutes. […]

Join the Rush

There are eight social sororities and fraternities on campus. But there are also two lesser known service groups: APO, a service fraternity, and Gamma Sigma Sigma, a service sorority (although both are coed). Last night, Gamma Sigma Sigma held their Meet the Sisters event. Now I know, there are many reservations and assumptions that come […]

Election Night for Gamma Sig!

Last night my sorority had Executive Board elections. A very terrifying experience if you have never been in a situation like that before. Sitting in the crowd waiting for your position to be up for voting makes your heart pound. Last Fall semester, I was up for National Rep which is of course the last […]

Memorial 5K Run

On Saturday, I went and helped out at the Flying Feet Burk Memorial 5K Run for my sorority, Gamma Sigma Sigma. The run was about five minutes away from campus at a place called the Wakefield Valley Community Trail, and it was a running club that put the whole thing together. I went with three […]

Gamma Sig District 4 Service Day

I must have been crazy when I said I would be the chair of this event. I had no idea how much work was really involved with putting on an event that included chapters from all over the district and 5 service projects all happening at once. The Service Day this past Saturday went better […]