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Glar « Expect the Exceptional

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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

Hasta Luegos

It has been crazy realizing that I will not be coming back to McDaniel next year. I cannot believe it, but I am excited for the change! Everyone saying goodbye has been weird because some of them I will not see again, but for many of them, it is not goodbye, it’s hasta luego […]

VegFest–not just for vegans!

UMBC, the University of Maryland Baltimore County, held a vegan festival, VegFest, this past weekend and I attended with a few friends.

I’m not a vegetarian, though I tend to eat very little meat, so I did feel a little out of place. However, I attended with two friends, one of whom is […]

Gospel Choir Concert

Tonight, I went to the Gospel Choir concert, and it was amazing per usual! I was in the class last semester, so I may be a little biased, but everyone else said they loved it as well. It was cool because this year to advertise the concert, they sang in Glar and passed out […]

McDaniel Foods I’ll Miss

Food at any college isn’t perfect, since it will never be like the food you’re used to eating at home.

However, I’ve come to appreciate food served by Glar and other places on campus over the past four years. Cooking is hard and it takes time, as I quickly learned when I finally had housing […]

Two families merging

A few weeks ago, my family came to visit me here at McDaniel for my little sister’s spring break from California. My mum had seen the campus before, and had once been on an official tour when I was a prospective student, but for my dad and my sister, it was the first time seeing […]