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A great day for chocolate

Though I didn’t have a valentine this year, chocolate was here and everywhere for me this Valentine’s Day.

After I was finished class this afternoon, I went to my campus mailbox to find a lovely bar of fair-trade chocolate I had ordered for myself last week. (I also received two Valentine’s Day cards and a […]

The Perks of the Meal Plan

Even though I was on campus during this past Jan term, I opted out of a meal plan in order to save some money. Though I love cooking and experimenting with new recipes, I did find that I missed going to our cafeteria, Glar, or grabbing some food at the pub. Now that the semester […]

Keeping the Fun Alive

Things tend to get hectic in the days leading up to Thanksgiving through the rest of the semester. In fact, you could say that Thanksgiving is like the eye of a storm–a calm in the middle surrounded by chaos.

Despite the fact that the end of the semester is typically a stressful time (as I’m […]

My Favorite Meals Around Campus

While nothing will ever be better than homecooking, here are some of my favorite meals around campus.

1. Miss Bobby’s Buffalo Chicken salad

We have a station in Glar where Miss Bobby makes customized hand-tossed salads. Students can either chose from one of her specialties or create their own concoction. I love choosing her famous […]

…And When It Comes To GLAR

Englar Dining Hall (GLAR) can be an intimidating place on campus for someone who is going in for the first time. Since it is the only dining hall on campus, almost every student that does not have an apartment with a kitchen finds themselves in GLAR at one point or another during the day. During […]