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Food on the Hill

Asian Night

I think that something that is important in a college search is the food quality, so I wanted to offer my opinion on our food options. Englar Dining Hall, Glar for short, has a lot of cool options. Honestly, it never ceases to surprise me.

This year they have already had […]

Novel Moments

When I was a freshman, I was under the impression that when I got to college, I would have large amounts of free time. I quickly realized that college still involved work. Hence, as my amount of free time began to dwindle so did the number of books I have read.

However, I had a […]

Baugher’s Adventures


Today, I made my first trip to the Baugher’s Farm. The Baugher’s restaurant is within walking distance so that is where I thought my friend and I would be going, but she wanted to visit the farm; I had no idea that there was a part two to Baugher’s, but it makes perfect sense […]

Best Study Spot on Campus

I think perhaps the hardest thing for me this year has been finding a really great spot to study. Last year, I used to study on the entry floor of the library with friends, but as much as I love my friends, I never get any work done when I am around them. Hence, my […]

Global Fellows Colloquium

On Thursday, September 11, I went to the Global Fellows Colloquium. The guest speaker was Dr. John MacAloon from the University of Chicago, and we debated the Geopolitics of Olympic Host Cities. This was the best colloquium we have had so far! It was really interactive, and it gave us the chance to show all […]