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home away from home « Expect the Exceptional

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Change of scenery: How to get a new room!

Though it was only the second week of the semester, this week felt long–possibly due to the dreary cold and lack of snow, possibly due to the mounting loads of work I had.

So I decided to rearrange all of the furniture in my room.

This may seem a little crazy, but it was a […]

Sweet Frog: The Best Fro-Yo Around

Yay! Sweet Frog!

Being from the Sacramento area, I eat a lot a frozen yogurt. I actually didn’t realize how big of a deal it was until I came to Westminster, where they did not have any places nearby.

Now sure, I could get ice cream, but it just wasn’t the same. However, […]

Home Away From Home

Hey guys,

One of the most important things to me at McDaniel is my room. While in Yellowstone, I was barely ever in my dorm room, I spend a lot of time in my room at school, whether it’s sitting at my desk working or hanging out with friends. It’s important to me that my […]

The Best Things for Dorm Rooms

Hey there!

My dorm room has truly become a second home to me, and I think it’s due to the personal touches I’ve made.

I found a company that prints huge posters at $3 a piece. I went and searched through the internet and found awesome pictures of my favourite bands and hung them over […]