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Returning from my quilting bee

Yesterday afternoon, I was gearing up to go back to McDaniel later in the evening, when my mom and sister came back from the fabric store with a few bolts of beautiful fabric. They had decided to follow up on my suggestion that we make a quilt for one of our family friends who is […]

Home for the weekend

The way I see it, Jan Term is kind of an extension of my winter break. My only class, Coping with Stress, doesn’t involve a lot of work outside of class time, so I have a lot of time to do what I please, like reading, blogging, and surfing the web.

Since I have so […]

The End of the Semester

Whoa. Another semester down. Except for me this is my last fall semester EVER.

But I’m not going to get all sentimental yet. Even though I am finished with my finals, I feel like I have so much left to do before I can actually leave McDaniel for a month and a half.

Instead of […]

Fall Break

For me, Fall Break is supposed to be a great time to relax a little and spend some quality time with my family and friends. At least, that’s what I imagined as I was driving up I-95 on Friday afternoon. While it is true that I got to spend a lot of time with my […]

Random Conversations


So, the last two days here on the Hill have been rather nice. They have been slower days, a lot of getting my readings done so that I would have time to hang out with my friends later on in the week, but that is not too bad. The main reason I have so […]