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intercultural « Expect the Exceptional

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Argentinian Pen Pals

Here on campus we have multiple language houses. Because of a partnership we have with a school in Argentina, the Spanish house director has always been Argentinian.

Two years ago, the Spanish house director was Karina, and she was a really cool. Now she and the current Spanish house director, Angie, have a pen pall […]

Global Fellows Colloquium

On Thursday, September 11, I went to the Global Fellows Colloquium. The guest speaker was Dr. John MacAloon from the University of Chicago, and we debated the Geopolitics of Olympic Host Cities. This was the best colloquium we have had so far! It was really interactive, and it gave us the chance to show all […]

An Evening of Culture

Friday was such a busy day because so many awesome cultural things were going on! I went to United, which was a show put on by all of the cultural groups on campus. There were performances, food, games, etc. It was such a blast to see all of my friends on stage. McDaniel has so […]

An Intercultural Case Study

As a culminating project in my Intercultural Communication class, we were required to interview someone who’s originally from another culture and have them talk about their experiences and compare their culture to America. After writing a paper summarizing what they said, we also were to present to the class about our person and their culture.


An Intercultural Guest Speaker

I am taking a Communication course this semester called Intercultural Communication. In this class, we have discussed everything from worldviews, paradigms, and identity, to culture shock and third cultures. To supplement our readings and class discussions we also have film viewings on different documentaries or movies that show culture consciousness (My Big Fat Greek wedding […]