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International Studies « Expect the Exceptional

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That tall kid over there!

Hello, I am Anthony Morgan, currently enjoying my third year here on the Hill! I am hard to miss being as though there’s not that many tall kids on campus. How tall am I?–I’m 6’5″ to be exact.

I seem to be all around campus, whether it’s spending time with my fraternity brothers, of Phi […]

Global Fellows Program

Hi guys,

Morgan mentioned the Global Fellows program in her post last week, and I am excited to say that I am one of the 28 first-year students that were welcomed into the program last Thursday.

The Class of 2017’s Global Fellows.

Any freshman can apply for the program regardless of major. The […]

Broadening my Horizons

Part of being a Global Fellow is taking more than the required amount of international courses at McDaniel. Last semester I took one of the best classes ever: Asian Philosophy. In middle school, I had learned a little bit about Eastern religions like Buddhism and Confucianism. In high school, I learned about the world in […]

World Peace Anyone?

McDaniel College has so many amazing opportunities, and I have had the pleasure of being part of the inaugural group of the Global Fellows Program. What is Global Fellows you may ask? It is best group on campus if you ask me. It is for people who are concerned with our world on an international […]

Crunch Time Returns

So, it is approaching crunch time for the semester once again. People have all kinds of final papers and presentations coming due in the upcoming two or three weeks. I am at work tonight and I am starting work on my final paper for my foreign policy class and my international law and organization class […]