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internships « Expect the Exceptional

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My Internship… At Coffee Shops

I’ve spent the afternoon churning out work in the lovely Birdie’s Cafe on Main Street in Westminster.

Confession: The title of this post might have been a little misleading. I am not actually interning at coffee shops this semester. However, I have found that they are lovely places to complete work for my […]

My first week back

Today was only the fourth day of classes, but already, I’m super busy!

On Tuesday, I had my Graphic Novels and Poe classes, both of which were quite fun. For Graphic Novels, we read and discussed Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis part one for today, and next week, we’ll be discussing Art Spiegelman’s Maus I and Maus […]

Looking towards Spring

In exactly four months and one day, on May 26, my Yellowstone contract starts.

While I’m not positive that I’m going back this summer, this also shows how much time is left in the semester.

Seniors graduate on May 23. To me, since I will be abroad next year, it feels like the juniors are […]

Finding a summer job: search engines

It’s about that time of year when we all hunch over our computers and browse website after website for the perfect summer job or internship. Finding a good fit and putting together applications can seem daunting, but there are lots of tools available to make the job a little easier.

Some of my favorites include:


My Internship

As I have mentioned, I am a senior and plan to graduate this coming May. My major is Exercise Science and I am minoring in psychology. I plan to take a year off from school and then go back to grad school in search of my Ph.D in Physical Therapy.

I have always had an […]