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language « Expect the Exceptional

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Lots of Linguistics: Three Days with a Visiting Scholar

NYU’s Bambi Schieffelin speaking at the Phi Beta Kappa lecture on Monday evening.

The after being inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, my fun with PBK continued. On Monday night, Dr. Bambi Schieffelin, a linguistic anthropologist from NYU gave a lecture about linguistics as part of the Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar Program. Through […]

Finding My Home

One of my favorite things about being in college is that I am able to choose classes that I really do enjoy. For example, I began taking French classes my first semester of college in order to fulfill the three-semester language requirement at McDaniel. I fell in love with the language because of my first […]

The Finals Countdown

Finals week is upon us! It’s a time that can be stressful, but it’s also a time that can be exciting, since it ultimately leads to a much-needed break from school.

Here’s what I’m counting down this finals week:

4 More Days on the Hill

With two papers still to write, and one more project […]

Growing and Learning: How to Spend a Winter Break

One of my favorite things about going to McDaniel is our long winter break. Although eventually I will have to do a Jan Term which is a 2-3 week class on campus or abroad that allows you to do something fun (and I am definitely looking forward to it), it is nice to be able […]

Moving to the Spanish House

After studying in Costa Rica last semester, I found myself yearning for Spanish. I blasted Spanish music in my car and tried to read Spanish newspapers, but I missed being immersed in the language. I missed the consistency, the stumbles, and the feeling of pride that grew with my conversation skills.

Luckily, I was offered […]