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lectures « Expect the Exceptional

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Not a Grimm Lecture

I absolutely love spring at McDaniel. If I am going to be perfectly honest with myself, one of the reasons why I studied abroad in the fall was so that I could be at McDaniel during the spring. I definitely appreciate the spring weather, but my favorite aspects about this semester are the lectures that […]

Lots of Linguistics: Three Days with a Visiting Scholar

NYU’s Bambi Schieffelin speaking at the Phi Beta Kappa lecture on Monday evening.

The after being inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, my fun with PBK continued. On Monday night, Dr. Bambi Schieffelin, a linguistic anthropologist from NYU gave a lecture about linguistics as part of the Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar Program. Through […]

Rethinking Hawthorne

I love attending lectures on campus, and my favorites are always the ones sponsored by our English department. On Tuesday evening, I had the pleasure of attending the annual Holloway Lecture, where I got to listen to Princeton professor Bill Gleason give his talk, “Masterpiece Theater Revisited: Nathaniel Hawthorne and the Pulps.”

I have to […]

Ed Burns

Tonight I was lucky enough to listen to a guest speaker who was the producer and screenwriter for the hit HBO series, The Wire. Ed Burns worked in both law enforcement and within the education system.

Burns has seen a lot and been through a lot throughout his life. He spoke about our society and […]

Lectures on Campus

A great aspect of McDaniel is the amount of guest speakers and lectures we have on campus. A variety of departments, clubs, and organizations will have people come to the Hill to share their knowledge with us. I enjoy it because it is a different way to learn new information that I probably would not […]