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lectures « Expect the Exceptional

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My busy little week

I wasn’t on campus from Sunday evening through Monday evening, so I’ve had an exhausting time this week cramming all of my assignments, obligations, and activities into what time I was left with.

Academically, I’ve been working on keeping up with my reading and writing for my memoir writing class, having had to turn in […]

April approaches!

In my five and a half semesters here on the Hill, I’ve found that April can be one of the most overwhelming months of the school year. But a lot of what makes the month of April such a jam-packed time is stuff that’s actually fun.

One thing I love about early April in particular […]

Speakers at the College: Dr. Telhami on the Middle East

Hey guys,

McDaniel often brings speakers to campus to lecture on topics of interest. There are always a variety of topics, and I’d guestimate that there’s one every two weeks at minimum. On Tuesday, Dr Shibley Telhami, who teaches at the University of Maryland at College Park, came and gave a lecture. He has […]

The best of my 2013 on the Hill

It’s not uncommon for students at any college to have their ups and downs every semester, and I’m no exception to this idea. But now that the year is coming to an end, I’m choosing, as always, to reflect on what was awesome about this year, including some of the best aspects of my time […]

The Presidents Club: Inside the World’s Most Exclusive Fraternity

Tonight, I had the really wonderful opportunity to listen to a book discussion about a book called The Presidents Club: Inside the World’s Most Exclusive Fraternity by TIME magazine editors Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy.

It was really neat to have two high-profile magazine editors come to McDaniel to give a book talk, but what […]