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lectures « Expect the Exceptional

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What just happened in Annapolis?: In-field lectures at McDaniel

One really cool thing about college in general, and specifically about McDaniel, is the chances it provides for students to get first hand experience in whatever field they are involved in. Tonight that experience manifested itself in a chance to meet two Maryland Senators who came to McDaniel to talk about what happened in […]

Poet Lia Purpura

On Tuesday night, I had the opportunity to listen to poet and essayist Lia Purpura read some of her work at tonight’s Bothe Lecture on campus. The Bothe Lecture, named for alumnus Christopher Bothe, is an annual lecture sponsored by the English department and the Bothe family in which poets and writers come to read […]

I’ve been busy!

It was a busy week for me here on the Hill!

In addition to attending my three Monday-Wednesday-Friday classes, I devoted much of my Monday to helping out the Honors Program by eating at the luncheon for prospective Honors students and spending time in the Honors study lounge, the Room of Requirement. I had a […]

The Power of Stories

It’s midterms week! Despite all the work, writing, studying, stress, and yes, procrastination, I made time tonight to go see the Holloway Lecture, an annual lecture sponsored by the McDaniel English Department. (A generous offering of extra credit from one of my professors also coaxed me out of my room this evening.)

This year’s speaker […]

Wednesday, Thursday

It’s kind of rainy tonight, which I actually don’t mind since it gives me an excuse to stay in and have some downtime. Tonight, I plan on chilling and (hopefully) completing my grammar homework for tomorrow by a reasonable hour. The Princess Bride is also playing on TV, which is fun, and one of my […]