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McDaniel College « Expect the Exceptional

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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

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Alright so as I have mentioned several times I am from Southern California. As much as I love this and loving going to school on the east coast there is one thing that sucks…packing!

Each year I struggle with what to pack. This goes for coming back and school and leaving school at the end […]

Senior Capstone

This past Thursday I officially finished my senior capstone. I have briefly talked about this before but each major does a senior capstone/ seminar and presents theirs a different way.

I wrote a past blog about what I did for mine but for those of you who did not see it, I looked at the […]

What’s Next?

As my reach my final weeks of being an undergraduate, I cannot stop thinking about the future. It’s happening. I’m going to the real world. As seniors, we have A LOT to think about. What job we want, where we want to live, how we’re going to budget our money.

Luckily, McDaniel has prepared me […]

Ed Burns

Tonight I was lucky enough to listen to a guest speaker who was the producer and screenwriter for the hit HBO series, The Wire. Ed Burns worked in both law enforcement and within the education system.

Burns has seen a lot and been through a lot throughout his life. He spoke about our society and […]

Reaching the end

Came across this today on my way upstairs to our English Department. It made my day. But on a serious note- finals coming soon in about two weeks, it is time to be mechanical.