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movies « Expect the Exceptional

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December: A much-needed break

Penguin sculptures at Longwood Gardens — one of my favorite places near my hometown

Happy New Year!

My December proved to be a much-needed break from what ended up being one of the most hectic semesters I’ve had at McDaniel. The rest of my family had been very busy as well(my brother is […]

Thanksgiving on Campus

Because I am from California, I tend not to go home except for the bigger breaks. Thus, for Thanksgiving, I stay on campus. That is not to say that people do not invite me over for Thanksgiving break, but most of the time I have a lot of work I want to get done, and […]

French Film Festival

Yesterday I went to the first movie of the French Film Festival we have on campus every year. I have made it a point to try and see all of the animated films they offer because I think the French have such a different style from the traditional Disney/Pixar films that I love. This film, […]

Awaiting Welcome Week

Another sign that fall semester is just around the corner appeared today when McDaniel’s Office of Student Engagement posted this year’s Welcome Week schedule on Twitter.

Welcome Week always takes place during the first week of classes. It’s kind of like a continuation of First Year Orientation week, which takes place the week before class […]

Busy Bee Gets Some Free Time

The past few weeks have been hectic with projects and track and papers and presentations and end of semester life. Having to get everything done as much as I could before this passed Friday forced me to spend my time outside of class and meals doing homework, which was tiring but totally worth it since […]