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music « Expect the Exceptional

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End of Year Music Performances

The end of the year is always a vibrant time for live music at McDaniel because all of the ensembles perform live.

There are a lot of music groups at McDaniel–flute choir, percussion ensemble, band, orchestra, flute quartet, string quartet… the list goes on for a while. Some consist only of McDaniel students, but others […]

Gospel Choir Concert

Tonight, I went to the Gospel Choir concert, and it was amazing per usual! I was in the class last semester, so I may be a little biased, but everyone else said they loved it as well. It was cool because this year to advertise the concert, they sang in Glar and passed out […]

Global Citizen Earth Day 2015

On Saturday, over 300,000 people turned up to the National Mall in Washington, D.C. for Global Citizen’s Earth Day Festival.

I took the pickle into DC on Friday and spent the afternoon exploring Smithsonian museums I hadn’t yet had an opportunity to see. Then, I went to George Washington University and stayed the night with […]

Unite to Ignite

A member of Africa’s Legacy performing her spoken word

Last night, I went to the second annual United performance. It is a huge show put on by all of the multicultural groups on campus. It is a way for all of us to show support to one another and stand united.


Hip-Hop: The Best Way to Study

College can be a stressful time, and as we get closer to the end of the semester, people are starting to stress out. We are realizing how much work we actually have, and that means we are all struggling to find ways to relax. Some people work out; others chill with friends. I listen […]