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music « Expect the Exceptional

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Performing Arts Festival

Hi there,

On Saturday evening, the McDaniel College Dance Team hosted a Performing Arts Festival. Tickets were $3 ahead of time and $5 at the door, which was definitely money well spent. There was a variety of talent that I was amazed to see. McDaniel students definitely keep some tricks up their sleeves!

There were […]

Arcade Fire in Philly

Last week, when people asked me what my plans for spring break were, I answered with chilling with my dog, catching up on my TV shows (Portlandia and the Big Bang Theory) and doing homework. My thoughts were so preoccupied with the fact that I had so much on my to-do list for spring […]

Chamber Music on the Hill

Hey all,

McDaniel is part of a program called Chamber Music on the Hill, that sponsors musicians from all over to come to the Forum in McDaniel and play on a Sunday afternoon. Yesterday, a group known as the Westminster Trio performed, with a special guest who’d come from Florida. The program sponsors about four […]

Learning the Organ

One requirement of the McDaniel Plan is to earn four credits in the creative arts. There are a variety of ways to fulfill this requirement for those of us who are not majoring in Art or Music. I do not have any statistical data to back up this claim, but I am pretty sure that […]

Stress Relief 101

It’s go time right now at McDaniel. Spring break is coming up soon so that means that midterms are here too. Tests are being flung at us, left and right, so we have to find some way to stay calm and keep focused. Some people go to the gym, others take study breaks with friends, […]