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new experiences « Expect the Exceptional

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My Dream of Becoming a Tour Guide Come True

I think we can all admit to having a dream at one point or another in our lives, or at least something we want to do really badly. For me, ever since I began the college touring process I’ve wanted to be a tour guide. Something about the idea of introducing myself to a stranger […]

McDaniel Helping Heroes Helping Hopkins

Last night an organization on campus called Heroes Helping Hopkins hosted a night at Buffalo Wild Wings, Bdubs, to raise money for their cause. The Heroes organizes volunteers to go to the Hopkin’s House, which is a residence next to John’s Hopkin’s Medical Center for parents and families of patients to stay at an remain […]

Get Your Pancakes!

This weekend I helped establish and run the first Alpha Sigma Phi pancake sale we have ever had. Taking the idea from Res Life (Residence Life) and their pancake sale last semester, we thought that it might be a good way to make some money as well as get our name out in terms of […]

Winter Break Isn’t a Break from Friends

You may think that when classes end in December that the wonderful social life you’ve established at school is just going to vanish and disburse across the many states that McDaniel students come from, but that doesn’t need to be the case. Earlier in the semester my friend Sean and I had the idea of […]

To Be a Part of Something Big!

This past Friday I was initiated into the fraternity I have been pledging for most of this past semester, Alpha Sigma Phi. As anyone might indicate, becoming a part of a fraternity is no easy undertaking and consumes a good portion of your time. This is true. Finding a balance between my various responsibilities […]