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new experiences « Expect the Exceptional

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Learning at McDaniel/when your scheduling isn’t enuf

The recent focus in my Literature by Women class has been plays. In the past two weeks among many plays, I have read two excellent plays that particularly caught my attention; each author depicting a different color in the struggles of African American women in the 1960s. A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry […]

A New Experience

On Tuesday, I had the opportunity to teach an 80-minute lesson at the school I am currently interning at, Manchester Valley High School. Even though I was confident in the lesson that I had written for my students, I was still really nervous. I had never taught a class for 80 minutes before. Not to […]

Collaborative Learning

Tonight, in my education class, I had to teach a 15-minute reading-based lesson to the other students in my class. I never thought that teaching a class full of teachers would be so intimidating! While I was very nervous to receive criticism, however constructive, from my peers, I did not realize how helpful it would […]