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off campus « Expect the Exceptional

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When friends come to visit

I wanted to briefly talk about friends coming to visit and how much fun it can be to show them around McDaniel and Westminster.

This past weekend one of my friends from California, who goes to GW in D.C., came up to visit me and met my friends from school. Unfortunately she was only here […]

Once Again, It’s Time to Pack

It’s that time of year again: Jan term. Last year, I stayed home and returned to campus at the end of January. This year, I’ll be on campus, practicing and attending class. That means that it’s once again time to pack…and unpack, since I haven’t done that yet, either.

Packing is something that I’ve noticed […]

Movies on the Hill

Over the weekend, I had the chance to curl up and watch The Intouchables, a French film about the friendship formed between a wealthy quadriplegic man, Philippe, and his Senegalese caretaker, Driss. I loved the film; it was fun, upbeat, and at times, poignant, and the characters were phenomenal.

Seeing this French film made me […]

Your guide to Asian food in Westminster

I found that living in a suite this past year made life seem a lot like a sitcom sometimes. We always had friends over, and we ate some form of takeout or delivery at least a couple times a month. As a result, I had the chance to try three different Chinese and Asian restaurants. […]

Movie theaters near campus

This weekend, a friend and I went off campus and saw the new The Great Gatsby movie. It was a great break from studying for finals and we were both struck by the amazing costumes, crazy party scenes, and how perfectly Leonardo DiCaprio fit the role of Gatsby.

Source: http://static1.businessinsider.com/image/50d3273ceab8ea6a3700000b-960/the-great-gatsby-leonardo-dicaprio.jpg

Seeing the movie reminded […]