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organizations « Expect the Exceptional

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Joining new clubs

This semester, I’m trying to get involved with organizations that I haven’t been a part of before, since I’ve become less involved with organizations that I’ve been heavily involved in in the past.

Last night, I went to the first meeting of More Love Letters of the semester. It’s a brand new club on campus […]

Fraternity Travels

This past weekend I did something that many fraternity members will never do, I attended a leadership conference sponsored by the Alpha Sigma Phi national headquarters. Let me start by saying that if you ever get a chance to attend a leadership conference of any type, you should do it. I learned so much […]

End of the Semester…Fun?

Last day of classes was surprisingly easy for me, even enjoyable. In my Spanish class I took a quick quiz on the final chapter of our textbook and then we ended up just hanging out and laughing with our teacher for another 30 mins before she let us out early. This was a nice end […]

To Be a Part of Something Big!

This past Friday I was initiated into the fraternity I have been pledging for most of this past semester, Alpha Sigma Phi. As anyone might indicate, becoming a part of a fraternity is no easy undertaking and consumes a good portion of your time. This is true. Finding a balance between my various responsibilities […]

An Evening of Belly Dancing

With so much work on my plate right now, I almost didn’t go to tonight’s “Dances for Dogs” belly dancing performance, but I’m glad I did! I truly enjoyed watching tonight’s performances and learning just how talented McDaniel women are! (I also wish I had brought my camera!)

Tonight’s performance was put on to benefit […]