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Philadelphia « Expect the Exceptional

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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

Philadelphia Patriotism: Happy Birthday to Benny and Eddy

My friends and I decided to go to Philadelphia for the day yesterday to explore.

We were going to take the train in, but we realised that with a mini-van it’d actually be cheaper to drive. With a bit of luck in parking garages, we were in the city!

We toured Independence Hall, the Liberty […]

Last Weekend

As my previous blog said I was Jersey bound. I had a great time in New Jersey and seeing where my roommate was from. I enjoyed having home cooked meals and just relaxing a bit before finals week!

We also went into Philly which was so much fun! Her parents came with us and showed […]

Jersey Bound!

This past weekend I was Jersey Bound! I left after my last undergraduate class ever on Friday!!!! But it’s ok…the class was Archery! But I packed up lot in my room. All my winter stuff and the little stuff that never use or need at school. So hopefully when I officially move out, I’ll only […]

Philly Experience


So this weekend, I went home with fellow McBlogger, Maria Brew, and Steph Glassick (also a McBlogger) went with us! We were able to go into Philly with Maria’s family and we had a wonderful day! The weather was beautiful and we had a great time walking around the city. I also had my […]

Arcade Fire in Philly

Last week, when people asked me what my plans for spring break were, I answered with chilling with my dog, catching up on my TV shows (Portlandia and the Big Bang Theory) and doing homework. My thoughts were so preoccupied with the fact that I had so much on my to-do list for spring […]