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McDaniel College Theatre presents Buried Child

Because I give myself permission on Thursday evenings to take a break from hitting the books too much, right after I finished my two-hour shift at the Writing Center, I met up with some friends in Red Square so we could walk over to the theater to watch McDaniel Theatre’s production of Buried Child.


An Oversized Lesson

Tonight was my second viewing of the play Fat Pig written by Neil LaBute. The play is about a guy who falls in love with a fat girl. All his friends make fun of him for dating someone who is extremely overweight. SPOILER (meaning do not read this next sentence if you are going to […]

Fun Field Trips

One of the best parts about being in a Spanish class with Dr. Deveny is that he always takes his classes on field trips. Last semester, for my Cultural History of Spain course, we went and saw flamenco dancing. It was awesome to be able to see something that originated in Spain brought to […]

The Vagina Monologues


McDaniel has a lot of really neat events for the students, such as hypnotists, magicians, and singers. Students and professors also put on a lot of really neat events, including chorus and musical concerts, plays, musicals, and talent shows. Last Friday, they put on The Vagina Monologues, a play written by Eve Ensler. […]