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political science « Expect the Exceptional

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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

Picnics and Political Science

Hey all,

Around the end of the year, a lot of departments have picnics just to get their students together and hang out for a while. On Thursday, the Political Science department had its picnic in Harvey Stone Park, which is a big gazebo just beside the golf course.

Dr. Neal, a political science professor […]

Annual Session–Maryland Student Legislature

McDaniel’s MSL delegation, which won the 2013-2014 award for Best Delegation.

Hey guys, This weekend, I’ve been in Annapolis, MD for Maryland Student Legislature’s Annual Session of simulation the MD legislature. It’s been a whirlwind of events, and it barely feels like an hour ago that I left McDaniel, while that […]

Why I Picked McDaniel

Hi guys,

D-Day for high school seniors going to college — May 1 — is coming up and I know a lot of my friends are struggling to decide where they want to spend their college career. This makes me reflect on my own experience in picking a college.

I was that obnoxious kid everyone […]

Hiring New Professors

Hi guys,

I’m not sure how other departments do it, but the political science department likes to get students involved with the process of hiring new teachers. Sadly, a few of our professors are retiring and moving on next year. Last Wednesday and Thursday, I had the opportunity to attend guest presentations given by candidates […]

Maryland Student Legislature

Hey there,

This weekend, I’ve been away at a Maryland Student Legislature conference at the University of Maryland, College Park. MSL has four conventions a year, and thankfully, most of them are close enough that we can come back to campus for the night, which means that they’re free for us thanks to the funding […]