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political science « Expect the Exceptional

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What just happened in Annapolis?: In-field lectures at McDaniel

One really cool thing about college in general, and specifically about McDaniel, is the chances it provides for students to get first hand experience in whatever field they are involved in. Tonight that experience manifested itself in a chance to meet two Maryland Senators who came to McDaniel to talk about what happened in […]

Field Trip!

So, this week was fairly normal; but I still had a lot of fun. The highlight of my week was actually a field trip into Washington DC as part of my Arabic Class. We went to various different locations throughout the city and I had a lot of fun and also learned a lot about […]

Why McDaniel?

Today, I want to talk about some of my favorite aspects of life here at McDaniel College. Not terribly much has happened since I posted on Saturday, I worked on homework, watched movies with friends, and played cards a few times. So, since nothing terribly fascinating has occured, I figured it would be a nice […]

Returning to School

It’s been a really great first week back on the Hill. I moved in on Saturday in order to have some time to settle in and to spend some time with my friends here. It was a lot of fun to get my room decorated, see how I could make my new space work for […]