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Wednesday, Thursday

It’s kind of rainy tonight, which I actually don’t mind since it gives me an excuse to stay in and have some downtime. Tonight, I plan on chilling and (hopefully) completing my grammar homework for tomorrow by a reasonable hour. The Princess Bride is also playing on TV, which is fun, and one of my […]

My Coolest Class This Semester

The coolest class I’m taking this semester is Multimedia Authoring. This course is brand new this semester and is taught by Dr. Paul Muhlhauser. The class promises to offer new experiences with Adobe Creative Suite as well as a final project that involves creating and coding your own website. We also do blogging and learn […]

My First Day of Class

Today was the first day of class! Unfortunately (to me), my first class wasn’t until 1:50 this afternoon, so when people asked me at lunch how my classes were, I wasn’t able to give them an answer! (And because I also have an evening class on Mondays, my answer to that question was pretty much […]