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psychology « Expect the Exceptional

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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

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Senior Honors Colloquium: A Culminating Experience

Everyone also had to bring in food on the day they presented. For my presentation, I brought in Hyperbole and a Half cupcakes to match my web comics presentation.

To finish out my time in McDaniel’s Honor’s Program, I took a course called the Senior Honors Colloquium this semester. For this course, seniors […]

My Personal Happiness Project

McDaniel College is a beautiful place — and that’s something worth savoring.

On November 6, Dr. Jaime Kurtz from James Madison University came to campus to discuss happiness and savoring college life. She made a lot of interesting points about being mindful of the good things in our lives. After all, people get […]

Fall Break

Fall break is a wonderful weekend no matter where you are, if you stay on campus or if you head home for this break. This is a nice time to recoup, catch up on work, and get ahead before the end of the semester begins.

I for one am taking this time to recoup from […]

SIS: Sophomore Interdisciplinary Studies

Since I already discussed my First Year Seminar, I thought I would share with you my experience with my Sophomore Interdisciplinary Studies (SIS). An SIS is a McDaniel Plan requirement that dives deeper into the liberal arts aspect of McDaniel. It is a class that tends to be out of the box and makes you […]

About me! : Sam Wilson


My name is Sam Wilson and I am a new McBlogger. I wanted to tell you all a little about myself for my first blog! I am a senior from New Castle, Colorado. I do miss my family and the mountains while I am at McDaniel, but I love it here on the Hill! […]