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shopping « Expect the Exceptional

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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

My Favorite Dorm Snacks

When you’re as active on the Hill as I am, it’s hard not to get hungry between meals. To combat hunger, I always keep plenty of snack on hand. In the past, I’ve devoted an entire plastic under-the-bed tub to snacks and food I can eat in my dorm room. This year, I’m living in […]

What’s in walking distance?

McDaniel College is a beautiful, self-contained campus, but that doesn’t mean it’s cut off from civilization!

While lots of McDaniel students have cars on campus, I would imagine that even more students on campus do not have cars with them. With a well-stocked dining hall, our Pub, Vocelli’s Pizza, and the Green and Go convenience […]

Handling Suburbia

Hey there,

I’m from San Francisco. I don’t even need to specify which state—everyone knows where my beautiful city is. Often, I get asked how I ended up in Westminster, Maryland in the middle of suburbia. Often I ask myself such. I absolutely adore big cities, and I absolutely adore the middle of nowhere, having […]

Farmers Market

Red Square is the center of campus and the perfect location for McDaniel’s new tradition of hosting a Farmers Market! Since this event was such a success last semester there was no question that it had to be done again this semester.

Local businesses set up tents and sell their goods to students trekking across […]

Goodwill and Westminster Fun

In honor of my birthday, my sister came up (from D.C.) to spend the weekend with me. We kept the Friday night calm, going to the campus showing of Sky Fall. James Bond will always have a special place in my heart, especially those played by Sean Connery. I grew up on these movies (along […]