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A delay and a snow day

Snow and other winter weather has had a huge impact on my travel plans this year. Since I have a car on campus, the first year I’ve had that luxury, I had to plan extra carefully when driving myself home for Thanksgiving and winter breaks–I had to leave campus later than I wanted for Thanksgiving […]

What to do on a snow day?

There are two routes one can take when deciding what to do with a snow day. This is the second snow day given this year, but the first one with enough snow to have all the snow day options. In past years snow has cancelled an entire week of class. Snow days are one thing […]

“And It’s the Best Sledding in Carroll County”

Every time I say it on tour I get a laugh (point for me). The hill on the edge of the golf course on campus is the best place to go sledding. I had reported this fact to a countless number of families that tour McDaniel but I had never experienced it for myself. Tuesday […]

McDaniel Does Snowday

Today McDaniel students are all in hibernation mode since classes have been cancelled and snow has covered the campus in a pleasant, white, 3 inch blanket. All semester we have been waiting for a snowfall decent enough to cancel classes and now that it has finally happened the campus has fallen to an ironic hush. […]

Sledding! (what McDaniel students do when it snows)

In the flurry of excitement that the announcement, “The college will be closed today” caused, I knew what was coming. 6-10 inches they said! Well… what we actually got was more like 3-4 inches with rain at the end (never trust the weathermen…), but most importantly, we got a break from classes for the day! […]