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sports « Expect the Exceptional

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Sports Talk: Green Terror Sports Across the Decades

Hey guys!

Today, there was an alumni panel on sports across McDaniel. I learned some interesting facts.

The first sport at McDaniel was Club Swinging. This sport was started by William Roberts McDaniel, our namesake. Since he ran that, and later, bicycling, he was kind of like our first athletic director. The second sport was […]

That tall kid over there!

Hello, I am Anthony Morgan, currently enjoying my third year here on the Hill! I am hard to miss being as though there’s not that many tall kids on campus. How tall am I?–I’m 6’5″ to be exact.

I seem to be all around campus, whether it’s spending time with my fraternity brothers, of Phi […]

Busy Bee Gets Some Free Time

The past few weeks have been hectic with projects and track and papers and presentations and end of semester life. Having to get everything done as much as I could before this passed Friday forced me to spend my time outside of class and meals doing homework, which was tiring but totally worth it since […]

Personal Records Are Worth The Work

Track takes up a lot of my life. I spend at least an hour at practice a day, plus lifting, plus meditating/visualizing/watching video, and sometimes distance runs or extra core workouts. It requires blood (which happened this past week), sweat (which happens all the time), and tears (which happened a few weeks ago). It requires […]

The love of Intramural’s

Hi everybody:) I hope everyone is staying warm in this winter weather! One thing that is helping me stay warm are McDaniel intramural’s!! I am currently on two basketball teams and so far we have won all our games!! There is a co-ed group and an all girls group, luckily I’m on both! Plus, with […]