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Some of My Favorite Places on Campus

Everyone has their favorites. That can be favorite people, foods, songs, bands, fish, dogs, etc. Today, I decided to share my current favorite places on campus and some of the reasons they’re my favorite.

The Pole Vault Pit. This one is simply because I’m a pole vaulter, and the days I can sprint down the […]

Welcome to Jan Term

This is my first time on campus for a Jan term, and it’s been really fun so far. I have two classes every day: Presidential Scandals with Dr. Bryn Upton and Hapkido.

Presidential Scandals is proving to be interesting. It’s also revealing all the things I don’t know about the presidents, and how much I […]

The Best of Fall 2013:

I know some others have done a “2013 in review,” but I’m going to join in the fun and share my good experiences from the past semester.

Conversations with Visiting Professors: Last semester, two English professors, Dr. Marjorie Garber and Dr. Carolyn Dinshaw, gave lectures on campus. I went to both. I also had the […]

Intramural Sports

Intramural sports at McDaniel are a great way to have fun with friends while feeding a little bit of your competitive side. Literally anyone at McDaniel can enjoy intramural sports – even those who think they are not athletic! I have had several people who had never played a sport before participate on my flag […]

Let the Greek Games Commence!

Monday around 4:30, the opening ceremonies for Greek Week were held on the ANW quad. Each year this tradition serves to commemorate the spirit of interfraternal togetherness and competition. Monday was simple field games like tug-of-war, water bucket relay, hoola-hoop passing, and a crazy relay where one person spins around a bat the runs […]