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spring « Expect the Exceptional

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Kona Ice on Campus

This past week, the most awesome thing ever happened; we have had a shaved ice truck called Kona Ice in Red Square! It has been the best thing ever for the warmer weather! I had forgotten how much fun shaved ice can be until this past week.

I am currently addicted to the […]

My Favorite Tree

I love spring time on the Hill because of all the blossoms and new greenery on campus. They have recently been putting mulch up around campus in preparation for it. I have also seen many different places that have new pieces of shrubbery, but the most important thing is that my favorite tree is […]

Not a Grimm Lecture

I absolutely love spring at McDaniel. If I am going to be perfectly honest with myself, one of the reasons why I studied abroad in the fall was so that I could be at McDaniel during the spring. I definitely appreciate the spring weather, but my favorite aspects about this semester are the lectures that […]

The Right Way to Start Spring Break

Spring break is finally here, and I could not be more thrilled! I made it through essays and tests, and now I see the light at the end of the tunnel; it is beautiful! Last night, two of my friends came over. We ordered Chinese and played games. We broke out Candyland and had […]

One of the Coolest People on Campus

There are so many wonderful people on the McDaniel campus, but this guy made my day, so I had to blog about it. His name is Cliff, and we were in the same FYS (First Year Seminar) together. I had not seen him for a while because we have not had class since then.

While […]