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spring break « Expect the Exceptional

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Spring Break Update!

Hello from (not so sunny) Florida! As you might be able to guess, I have not been overly happy with the weather we are having, but my friends and I are still having a blast! We have been able to make the best of our trip. The first day we got to Florida, we […]

The Silence of Campus

Spring break has officially started, and while everyone was packing anxiously to go home, I was sleeping the day away. This break I am staying on campus and working. When I say that to people, they become sad and will offer for me to come over to their house, but in reality, being on campus […]

Preparations for Spring Break

The week leading up to Spring Break always seems like the longest week of the semester. Not only are most students packing up to go home/on vacation but we also have this horrible rain cloud above our heads called “midterms.” In my four years, I have figured out how to conquer midterms…it […]

Spring Break

I feel like the idea of Spring Break is totally blown out of proportion. When I was in high school, the concept of Spring Break seemed like one amazing pilgrimage of all college students everywhere to occupy the beach. It always sounded so wild and exotic. As if you would go to sleep one night […]

Gearing up for Midterms!

Hey all,

Gearing up for midterms this semester has been surprisingly non-stressful. Though I’m taking my maximum allotted 22 credits, or six total classes, I only have one mid-term. This is one of the benefits of my majors–English and Political Science–as normally these classes are more likely to assign papers in place of exams. (For […]