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spring semester « Expect the Exceptional

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Looking towards Spring

In exactly four months and one day, on May 26, my Yellowstone contract starts.

While I’m not positive that I’m going back this summer, this also shows how much time is left in the semester.

Seniors graduate on May 23. To me, since I will be abroad next year, it feels like the juniors are […]

An end of the year get-together

If you’ve ever toured McDaniel, you might have heard some pretty nice things about our professors, including but not limited to the fact that they’re AWESOME and that professors often like to have students over for dinner at their homes. While this is not true of all professors (though I can still dream that certain […]

Spring semester: things to do your first week back

Thought a little chaotic, the start of spring semester is an exciting time for many McDaniel students. It can be hard to get back into the swing of things right in the middle of winter after a six-week vacation, but with plenty of friends and professors to be reunited with and a cool new course […]

I ❤ Day 2

Last night, one of my friends wrote “I ❤ DAY 2” on the whiteboard on my door, and the idea kind of stuck with me (so much so that I decided to redecorate my whiteboard in its honor. It was also time for the drawing of the Christmas tree to go).

It’s been a fun […]

Class Registration

I can’t breathe because I just completed my last ever class registration here at McDaniel. It seems surreal that the groundwork for my last semester of undergraduate is already done. Registration comes right on the heels of our 200 Days Until Graduation, a countdown we were reminded of Tuesday by the alumni office.

My spring […]