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student life « Expect the Exceptional

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A World of Pure Imagination

It’s the second snow day this week, but I have to say I like this one much better than Monday’s. Why, you ask? Well, it’s much more beautiful today, and much more relaxing.

I don’t have any homework to do for tomorrow, which is fantastic and meant I got to spend the day watching Supernatural […]

Snow Day!

Snow days when you’re a child are all about running outside to build a snowman or sled down the big hill you were too scared to go near last year. In college they’re called lets-sit-in-sweatpants-drink-coffee-and-catch-up-on-homework days. Granted, they are still welcome with open arms just for other reasons. Last week was our first week of […]

Only at McDaniel

Do you ever have one of those moments where you realize that you are exactly where you are supposed to be? That moment came to me at the beginning of my sophomore year. Because I am a part of the Peer Mentor program, we came to school a week earlier than all of the freshman […]

Snow Day

Thanks to good old mother nature and it being the middle of winter, campus today has been graced (cursed?) with a snow day. Given the snow swirling outside my window, that wasn’t a bad decision, but that does mean I’m left on a mostly empty campus at a time when I don’t even have that […]

Navigating McDaniel’s website: The Undergraduate Tab

If you’ve been busily researching colleges online, you’ve probably visited a lot of college websites. And quite frankly, some of those websites can be absolutely confusing. In the hopes of reducing any confusion you might encounter while exploring McDaniel’s website, mcdaniel.edu, here’s a breakdown of some of the sections you’ll find on the website and […]