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Mother’s Day on the Hill

Last year, the spring semester ended just before Mother’s Day, so I was able to spend Mother’s Day with my mom. But because of how the calendar played out this year, I am not able to spend Mother’s Day with my mom this weekend.

Still, Mother’s Day was alive and well here on the Hill, […]

So many things!

I’ve done and been to so many things over the past few days that I don’t know which ones to blog about! As a result, I’d like to share a lot of those things with you in the form of a list with some brief descriptions.


-I went to MAWCA, a writing center conference, […]

Spring is coming!

Spring break is close, but spring seems even closer! The weather on campus was beautiful this weekend. A small number of students made their way to the quad on both days for some sunbathing and studying and playing catch, and as the weather gets warmer, more students (including me) will join them.

Because the weather […]

“And It’s the Best Sledding in Carroll County”

Every time I say it on tour I get a laugh (point for me). The hill on the edge of the golf course on campus is the best place to go sledding. I had reported this fact to a countless number of families that tour McDaniel but I had never experienced it for myself. Tuesday […]

Sledding! (what McDaniel students do when it snows)

In the flurry of excitement that the announcement, “The college will be closed today” caused, I knew what was coming. 6-10 inches they said! Well… what we actually got was more like 3-4 inches with rain at the end (never trust the weathermen…), but most importantly, we got a break from classes for the day! […]