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Tips From a Tour Guide « Expect the Exceptional

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My Dream of Becoming a Tour Guide Come True

I think we can all admit to having a dream at one point or another in our lives, or at least something we want to do really badly. For me, ever since I began the college touring process I’ve wanted to be a tour guide. Something about the idea of introducing myself to a stranger […]

Tip From a Tour Guide: Here’s a Tip from Lisa Vasapollo!

Tips from a Tour Guide

This week, instead of hearing a tip from me, I figured it might be helpful to hear from another tour guide. Periodically, I’ll introduce you to another tour guide so that they can give you your prospective on McDaniel as well!

Here’s a Tip from Lisa Vasapollo!

Tips From a Tour Guide: Another Tour Guide’s Point of View

Tips from a Tour Guide

This week, instead of hearing a tip from me, I figured it might be helpful to hear from another tour guide. Periodically, I’ll introduce you to another tour guide so that they can give you your prospective on McDaniel as well! I interviewed my fellow tour guide, Whitney, to […]

Tips From A Tour Guide: Tip #3: Be Excited

Tips From a Tour Guide: How to Make the Most out of your Tour of McDaniel

Tip #3: Be Excited

Have you ever heard the saying “Treat others the way you want to be treated?” Well, the saying stays true while you’re on tour. The Tour Guides at McDaniel love their jobs, but […]

Tips From a Tour Guide: Tip #2: Come Prepared

Tips From a Tour Guide: How to make the Most out of Your Tour of McDaniel

Tip #2: Come Prepared

Do you want to make sure you get the most information out of your college visits? Then, whatever you do, do not go into a college visit blindly. Make sure you know […]