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travel « Expect the Exceptional

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So last semester I wrote a lot about trying to go to Belgium this semester. Well guess what? Endless paperwork, 3 trips to the embassy and 1 trip to to consulate later, I got my visa, and I am currently sitting in my apartment in Saint-Josse-Ten-Noode, a highly Turkish neighborhood in Brussels, Belgium.

I’ve […]

My Jan Term to Italy

Jan Term was everything I could have hoped for and more. It was an absolute dream!

For 14 days, I explored all around northern Italy with 30 people, including 13 other McDaniel students, and some alumni. The class was photography and we were all required to have a theme to focus our efforts on something […]

Fraternity Travels

This past weekend I did something that many fraternity members will never do, I attended a leadership conference sponsored by the Alpha Sigma Phi national headquarters. Let me start by saying that if you ever get a chance to attend a leadership conference of any type, you should do it. I learned so much […]

The Day After

Big News: My acceptance letter for my study abroad came today! I’M GOING TO BELGIUM!!

But this post is about what I did on Black Friday. Quickly, for anyone thinking about visiting Boston: 1. Go to Harvard Square and take in all the smart people. 2. Go to a Red Sox game; Bruins and Celtics […]

Going North Instead of West

Everyone is talking about going home for Thanksgiving. This year, I’m not going home. I’m going relative hopping. While I’m excited to see both sides of my family, it is upsetting that I won’t be going home until the end of the semester. Not only does that mean I have to actually do laundry, but […]